Families Achieving Success Together was originally established in the mid 1970’s by the sons and daughters of matriarch Evelyn Wallington. The original name was “Brothers United Together,” and was renamed by Jamil Wallington to F.A.S.T. as they worked to support the youngest brother Anthony Meekins in his college education. F.A.S.T. continued as a means to bring the family together annually and instill a since of heritage and pride in the next generation.
In September 2016 a portion of children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren of Evelyn Wallington began organizing F.A.S.T. with an updated focus. It has grown from a family reunion, and way of unifying one family to a non-profit organization aspiring to empower individuals, families, and communities alike by providing a roadmap to achieving their success.
We realized we had members of our own family which ranged from very successful to extremely limited in success. While we all came from the same matriarch, we did not all reach the same destination. This caused us to identify the “why” behind this disparity. Once we identified the “why” we began to form a community of support improving the lives of this current generation and generations to come.
The mind of a person determines their altitude. Changing the perspective of a person will change their life. We are here to unleash potential and unlock the power within to achieve success in every area of life.